The mission of the journal is to contribute to the development of nursing science and care practices in Turkey and internationally. It is also to promote and disseminate new knowledge and research data for evidence-based care practices at all levels of nursing services. The Journal of Nursing Care Research deals with Fundamentals of Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Child Health and Diseases Nursing, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Public Health Nursing and Management in Nursing and accepts articles on these topics.


Cover and Contents

Full Issue

Original Article - Education and Training in Nursing

Determination of the relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors and health locus of control in nursing students

: 203 : 167

Citation : Kılıç, B., Akay, Z., Ekinci, C., Arpacı, M., Banri, Z., & Mavuş, S. (2024). Current knowledge and approaches in peripheral intravenous catheter practice. J Nurs Care Res. 1(2),29-34.

Original Article - Management in Nursing

: 174 : 74

Citation : Göker, F.N., & Aslan, K. (2024). A review of nursing departments in higher education institutions in Turkiye. J Nurs Care Res. 1(2),35-39.

Original Article - Management in Nursing

: 166 : 123

Citation : Kara, H., & Şahin, T. (2024). Analysis of medical malpractice news in newspapers: a retrospective review. J Nurs Care Res. 1(2),40-45.

: 120 : 87

Citation : Korkmaz E. (2024). Current knowledge and approaches in peripheral intravenous catheter practice. J Nurs Care Res. 1(2),46-50.

Case Report - Child Health and Diseases Nursing

: 221 : 80

Citation : Ümüş Özleşen A. (2024). Case report of an adolescent’s suicide attempt through drug intoxication and nursing care. J Nurs Care Res. 1(2),51-54.