The mission of the journal is to contribute to the development of nursing science and care practices in Turkey and internationally. It is also to promote and disseminate new knowledge and research data for evidence-based care practices at all levels of nursing services. The Journal of Nursing Care Research deals with Fundamentals of Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Child Health and Diseases Nursing, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Public Health Nursing and Management in Nursing and accepts articles on these topics.

Original Article
Analysis of medical malpractice news in newspapers: a retrospective review
Aims: The aim of this study was to determine which types of medical malpractice occurred and how they resulted by analyzing the medical malpractice news reflected in the newspapers in Turkey.
Methods: This descriptive and retrospective study was conducted on April 1-30, 2024. The virtual archives of seven national newspapers with the highest circulation (Sabah, Türkiye, Hürriyet, Sözcü, Akşam, Milliyet, Posta) were scanned using the keywords “nurse”, “doctor”, “health”, “nurse errors”, “doctor errors”, “medical error”, “wrong medicine”, “wrong surgery”, “wrong diagnosis”, “wrong treatment”, “wrong blood” and “wrong patient”. The population of the study consisted of 144 news articles.
Results: It was observed that most of the news about medical malpractice in newspapers were in 2017 and 2021, and 74.3% of them were performed by doctors. It was determined that the most common medical malpractice was surgical errors, followed by medication errors, death occurred in 38.2% of the cases as a result of malpractice, followed by disability/organ loss, and in the majority of cases, criminal complaints were filed as a result of malpractice.
Conclusion: The study revealed that medical malpractice errors reported in the news were mostly committed by physicians and surgical errors, and death and disability occurred as a result of medical malpractice. Further studies examining the factors affecting the occurrence of medical malpractice that may lead to death are recommended.

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Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 40-45