The mission of the journal is to contribute to the development of nursing science and care practices in Turkey and internationally. It is also to promote and disseminate new knowledge and research data for evidence-based care practices at all levels of nursing services. The Journal of Nursing Care Research deals with Fundamentals of Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Child Health and Diseases Nursing, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Public Health Nursing and Management in Nursing and accepts articles on these topics.


Cover and Contents

Full Issue

: 196 : 159

Citation : Aktaş, T. & Yüksel, A. (2024). Determination of attitudes and behaviours towards end-of-life care and psychological well-being levels of intensive care nurses. J Nurs Care Res. 1(1),1-6.

Original Article - Child Health and Diseases Nursing

: 225 : 126

Citation : Al-Graiti, R. H. A. & Seki Öz, H. (2024). A descriptive study on the depression, anxiety, and stress levels of mothers with autistic children. J Nurs Care Res. 1(1),7-12.

Original Article - Public Health Nursing

: 137 : 121

Citation : Uyar, G., Demir, G. & Erbesler, Z. A. (2024) Determining the use of traditional and complementary health practices by adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Nurs Care Res. 1(1):13-19.

Review - Mental Health and Diseases Nursing

: 180 : 90

Citation : Gedik, İ. (2024). A preventive mental health service for substance use disorder: harm reduction. J Nurs Care Res, 1(1),20-23.

: 278 : 129

Citation : Söyünmez, S. & Söylemez, N. M. (2024). Nursing care of a child with autism spectrum disorder and family according to Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations: case report. J Nurs Care Res. 1(1),24-28.