The mission of the journal is to contribute to the development of nursing science and care practices in Turkey and internationally. It is also to promote and disseminate new knowledge and research data for evidence-based care practices at all levels of nursing services. The Journal of Nursing Care Research deals with Fundamentals of Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Child Health and Diseases Nursing, Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Public Health Nursing and Management in Nursing and accepts articles on these topics.

Original Article
The relationship between self-efficacy level and stress coping style in nurses living in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: descriptive research
Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy level and coping styles with stress in nurses working in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 350 nurses between 01-30 July 2020. The study data were collected with a descriptive questionnaire, self-efficacy scale and stress coping styles scale.
Results: According to the results of the study, 80.9% of the nurses were female, 19.1% were male, the majority were between the ages of 25-29, 51.1% were single, 48.6% had been working as a nurse for 1-5 years, and 76.6% worked as a clinical nurse. It was determined that the nurses participating in the study used ‘self-confident approach, helpless approach, resorting to social support, optimistic approach and submissive approach’ as coping style with stress, respectively. It was determined that the mean total score of the self-efficacy scale of the nurses was 85.83±12.68, which was at a good level, and the sub-dimensions were ‘starting the behaviour, maintaining the behaviour, completing the behaviour and struggling with obstacles’, respectively. In the study, it was determined that as the use of all sub-dimensions of the self-efficacy scale increased, the use of ‘resorting to social support’ and ‘self-confident approach’ as a coping style with stress increased and the use of ‘helpless approach’ and ‘submissive approach’ decreased.
Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that the use of active problem-solving orientated approaches increased and the use of passive approaches decreased in all areas of self-efficacy in coping with stress. Providing in-service trainings that will increase the self-efficacy skills of nurses will ensure the use of active problem-based methods in coping with stress.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 71-78